At the start where the beat heads the images are suppose to change, in the video the aims were matched. The idea of the beat and images moving was inspired from Rihanna Feat Calvin Harris - We Found Love, as her movie and duration changes when the music starts and within the music video, so we was inspired by this idea and used it within our video. It took us long time to get the hat scene which we wanted her to flick to hat although it want going within the beat, so we changed it in order for the character to apply by it and also for it to hit the melody.As within this scene the hat is different compared to the other shots. This was one of the changes made within the video because the actress was finding it difficult to wear the LA blue hat as it didn't fit her. As you can spot in the video their is different costumes because as music videos, artist don't always have the same outfits all through the video, by having different styles with hair and outfits this would show that teenagers change clothes so that the public do not understand and see it is them.
These images are used to resemble the clothing which teen boys wear, as you can see the colour of the video is black and white although our aim of having only blue elements standing out has been achieved. When the beat starts the images move within the beat so that it can get the audience attention. But also to move to the melody of the beat, when music being watched people would move and nod to the rhythm, by the video durations changing and moving to the beat audience would be more aware and interacted to the music video. At the start you can not see who the artist is, this is hiding the character in order not to ruin the whole image and vision of the video. This is also would keep the audience attention.
As you can see we still keeping the idea of a girl going into a boys position, we used this idea because as people want to reach 'fame' they would want to go into anything such as any celebrity or star they ideal life, so when our female character was transformed into a male , she would act just like them in order to be just like them. The actions, clothing and attitude has to be strong and ' ghetto' so that she doesn't leave her character. The whole idea of her wearing the "geeky" glasses is to resemble the artist, as the artist himself does wear glasses she is imitating him on every move and outfit he wears.
We had different locations such as the bus, this was used in order to show what a life of a teenager would be. As she sat at the end of the bus, this is a stereotypical thing because teenagers which are from the 'ghetto' or are 'gangsters' they all sit in the back to mess about or to show the others in the bus they control the bus. We used this stereotypical thing in order to still have that image of a teenagers 'boy' life
This is scene is a point of view shoot, we used to show where the character is standing and also to get the vibe of the when people are standing in bus stops. We used this in order to use a different shoot and to show the audience how the character would stand and act physically when they are walking and moving. Also we used to show the examiner that we can use different types of shoots other than simple ones. The colour scheme is still black and white with blue elements.

These scenes are the studio scene which is where the character would be making the song he/she has created their music. Although within this video their is a fault which is where there is suppose to be only black and white video with blue elements, there is inappropriate colours. This was a mistake which i, myself made because i added another colour when taking out the images to be blue. This was a mistake although it added a little affect which showed the emotions of the character within those scenes. The studio was meant to have the producer and other equipments showing, we took the shoot when the producer is there to control the artists, although we thought it didn't go with the beat and the mimicking would not be at the beat of the song. So we cut it of. It would of been a much of a realistic video if we had that part although it didn't go with the vision we was trying to achieve. There is scenes which she is laughing although that can be used to show the success and is laughing at how no one was there for him but he is still this great and flamboyant.

The illusion used within this scene is to get the audiences attention in order for the audience to visually see the artist who created this song. We wanted to show this because from our inspiration within Beyonce music video if i were a boy, there is both the male and female characters and in the end both characters go into their own form so that the audience understand the female was playing the males part at all times. As seen below Beyonce use the strategy of male and female transforming at the start of the video in order for the audience to understand what is going on, we wanted to use it at the end because we wanted to keep the audience still thinking why we used this type of video and also to make the audience want to watch the video more. If we used it exactly the same as Beyonce video that wouldn't be as effective as the idea of keeping a characters identity wouldn't apply. So by hiding the identity of a new artist, the audience would be second opinions of who the artist would be, so for hiding the artist identity the audience can appreciate the vocal and artistic of the artist rather than for the looks and charm.
Excellent evaluation of an excellent production. You have justified the decisions you made and presented it very well, using images to back up the points you have made. Keep up the excellent work.